
We give because God gave first

Why we give

Giving is an essential part of belonging in a church. Here are two reasons we give:

We Give as An Expression of Gratitude to the Lord – We give to the church to thank the Lord for everything that He has done for us. He has given us so much; the least we can do is give our resources as a way of thanking Him for His goodness.

We Give to Advance the Lord’s Work – We give to the church to support and ensure the Lord’s work continues through the various ministries and programs, while also keeping a roof over our heads when we meet to worship.

Your generous gift to New Life Chapel helps fund the following initiatives:

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7


Professional Christian Counselling

While spiritual health is essential, so is mental health. New Life Chapel funds Christian counselling programs for those going through a tough time and people who need someone to talk to.


Missionaries at home and around the world

Our church funds missionary programs in Lethbridge as well as around the world.


Fund local outreach projects

We support Christian outreach programs in Lethbridge, and we run a food bank. It is fully registered, based on its facility, and provides thousands of people with food security.


Empower our staff to serve the Church

We’re never more fulfilled than when we help others. The people who work for our Church are a Blessing. Your donations help us support the families of our staff and volunteers.

Ways to give


You can give your cash, tithes and offerings in a church service or by dropping it off at a church office.


Mail cheques to: RCCG New Life Chapel 234 13 Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 2R7 Canada

eTransfer [Interac]

You can also give with eTransfer [Interac] via: